Art carnal

The Mistresses of Alcibiades Craig Drennen  First Mistress 2007 oil  on canvas+ latex on wall 18”x18” canvas + wall painting   I have now  organized my studio practice around the play Timon of Athens, written by  William Shakespeare between 1605 and 1608, but not published until the  folio of 1623. It is considered to be Shakespeare’s most difficult and  obscure work, and is the only of his plays not performed in his  lifetime. It may well be unfinished. It may have been partially written  by Thomas Middleton, although there are brief passages credited to  Thomas Heywood, George Wilkins, John Day, or Cyril Tourneur. The  dramatis personae of the play have provided me an ample starting point  from which to begin. The Mistresses of Alcibiades are the first works  from this series, and combine small-scale oil paintings of clenched  anuses placed in the context of stark, reductive lines. These works  constitute a marriage of extreme body images and extreme formalism, in  the service of an extremely difficult 400-year old play.
Art carnal

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